The Perfect 10
How to get the Girl and the Life you’ve been looking for.
How The Game is Won
The ABCs
Continual pursuit of mastering: Appearance | Beliefs | Communication will increase your odds of getting the girl and the life you want. Create the character you aspire to be, and become that character. The subconscious does not differentiate between what is real and what is imagined. Look good, think good, do good.Action Cures Fear
Stop planning and overthinking—take action now! The physical act of doing will engage the mind, which will follow. Most people do the opposite, engaging the mind first and hoping the necessary physical action will follow. Shoot first, then aim. Done is better than perfect.The Illusion of Scarcity
Casanova said that “Love is 3/4 Curiosity.” Not making yourself readily available to everyone all the time shows confidence. You are self-sufficient and independent—you are strong.The Power of Takeaway
One of the most effective aphrodisiacs is a word, and that word is “No.” The more we chase something or someone, the more it eludes us. When you are prepared, confident, and unconcerned about the outcome, she will come to you—and so will everything else.Go for the “10”
It is lonely at the top for her. The lack of self-belief, along with the fear of rejection and the pain that accompanies it, is why we as humans often settle for less. Go for the “10” girl and the “10” in everything you do. The middle is crowded and competitive; the top is not.How You Do Anything Is How You Do Everything
The way you approach one thing is likely how you approach everything. I think about this and practice it daily. If I slack or take shortcuts, it will become a habit. Be present and do well at everything, especially the mundane tasks. The most important person is always watching—that person is you.The Need to Lead
Future pacing: Put yourself and her into the situation you want to be in. Women want a man who leads—a respectful listener but also a leader. Enter every situation with a plan and take charge. You can always adjust on the fly. See it first, then do it. The most prepared wins.Minimalist Indeed
Having fewer possessions leaves space for more thought about new ideas and pursuits. For me, every new item that comes in, another one must go. You don’t own stuff—stuff owns you. Own quality, not quantity. Fewer possessions equals less headaches which leads to more freedom which leads to more happiness.Embrace Failure
Life is a game of probabilities. You increase those probabilities by acquiring and sharpening your skill set while accepting that failure is a big part of the equation. We have been conditioned to play it safe, worrying about how others will perceive us. We certainly didn’t as kids. My biggest fear isn’t failure; my only fear is living a life of regret because I played it safe like all the other sheeple.Every Man Lives, But Not Every Man Is Fulfilled.
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