For the Man that’s coachable.
Jack Montana
I am Doug McKay, the creator of the persona, Jack Montana. My bio isn’t meant to impress you; it’s meant to make an impression on you.
In the “Perfect 10,” also known as “How The Game Is Won,” Number 9 states: “Life is a game of probabilities. You increase those probabilities by acquiring and sharpening your skill set while accepting that failure is a big part of the equation. We’ve been conditioned to play it safe, worrying as adults about how others perceive us—something we certainly didn’t do as kids. My biggest fear isn’t failure; it’s living a life of regret because I played it safe like everyone else.”
This is how I live my life. Whatever I want to do, within reason and means, I do. There’s no failure in my life—only successes or lessons learned. It’s never too late. In fact, the older you get, the more you should put your foot on the gas, even though society tells us otherwise.
Without my 40+ years of dating, great relationships, seven true loves, and decades of life experiences, I wouldn’t have been able to coach so many, write the “S90” course, or speak to you with the wisdom I’ve gained from a lifetime of relationships. The phrase “Rule The Empire Between Your Ears” embodies what it takes to get the girl and the life. Jack Montana significantly increases those odds by focusing on both mindset and skillset.
The foundation of what I teach is the ABCs: 1. Appearance. 2. Beliefs. 3. Communication.
I invite you to have a conversation with me to see if I can be of help.
Beyond coaching, I have a variety of interests: World Travel | Founder and host of “This Week On Wall Street” radio show (2008-2016) | Certified Freefaller at age 27 | Graduate of the only Wing Walking school in the world (2021) | Summer surfer | Strength Coach | Olympic Weightlifting enthusiast | Independent Fiduciary Investment Advisor | Piano player | Motorcycle enthusiast | Minimalist.
Jack can help.
Personal Coaching
Personal over-the-phone coaching for men provides a supportive and confidential space to explore challenges, set goals, and develop actionable strategies for growth.
Online Courses
Our flagship course “Significant In 90 Days” includes a scheduled call with Jack once per week. We’re so confident this will help we offer a 100% money-back guarantee, no questions asked for the first 30 days.
Books and Articles
Jack is the acclaimed author of, “Single By Design” and
“Just The Honeymoon”. Now available on Amazon.